Welcome to the work-in-progress class page for CS 3330 – Computer Architecture. This material represents the best current estimate of course flow and content.

Course Content

There are two common expectations that this course does not fulfill:

Instead, you will learn

Relationship to other courses

CS 3330

Course Staff

This is the place to get help for almost any issue. Access via Collab or from piazza.com.
Anonymous Feedback
Anonymous feedback, which is available through Collab, is appreciated by at least one of the instructors.

The feedback is really truly anonymous; there is no way we can find out who posted it, so posting things like “you misgraded my homework” there will not be effective.

Charles Reiss
Office: Rice 205.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 434-924-8274
Office Hours: (see calendar below)
Ashish Venkat
Office: Rice 312;
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Tu/Th 12:30-1:30pm at Rice 312
Lahiru Nuwan, Brad Knaysi, Patrick Wetmore, Jimmy Patterson, Hunter Murphy, Lingxi (Ling-shee) Wu, Caleb Kang, Jack Herd, Muxuan Yan, Daniel Choi, Austin Bunting, Jiahong, Youssef Errami, Charlie Wu, Nikita Semichev

Please respect the fact that our TAs are also students in other classes, with assignments and so on of their own, and limit your 3330-related contact with them to the times they have scheduled to act as TAs.

Unless they tell you otherwise, use Piazza to contact them (and make your post visible to all course staff, not just one or two of them).

Office Hours

All professor office hours are open, meaning we will not close the door and have a private conversation during office hours. If you have sensitive matters to discuss, please email your professor to set up a separate time to visit about them.

Picture of csapp cover

You will need

Grading and Academic Honesty

See this page.


If you need any kind of special accommodations, including but not limited to disability, learning needs, illness, or personal circumstances, please contact us as soon as you are aware of these needs. We aim to be as accommodating and fair as possible.

If you are not sure if your situation warrants special attention, ask us.