What is a Tapestry Workshop?

The goals of the workshop are to share strategies, research-based practices, and field-tested good ideas for teaching computer science in a way that reaches all students regardless of sex or ethnicity.
Workshop participants will
  • Explore activities for gaining the interest of all students
  • Interact with national experts on teaching and diversity practices
  • Meet university faculty desiring to serve as ambassadors to their schools
  • Form a network of like-minded people for ongoing discussion and development.

Its purpose

  • Attracting more and diverse students to high school Computer Science classes
  • Influencing students, parents, colleagues, and administrators on the importance of your courses and the opportunities they provide
  • Engaging your students in the exciting and rewarding field of computing

Comments from prior attendees

  • Fantastic workshop! I have been exposed to many new ideas and teaching strategies that I can use in my CS classes right away.
  • This workshop is just what I needed. I have had severe burnout due to learning new materials to teach CS in the last two years. I now see light at the end of the tunnel and am excited to try all of the good ideas I received. I now know I am not alone!
  • This workshop allowed me to consider ideas I never thought about in my classroom that will translate easily and significantly to every single class I teach in the future. I am so thankful for this opportunity! The speakers were wonderfully informative and thoughtful and I consider myself very fortunate to be able to attend this workshop! Thank you!!!
  • Tapestry has completely changed my life and teaching. Without Tapestry, I would have left the teaching profession and gone back into law practice
  • Excellent learning opportunity for my. All of the content was informative and engaging.
  • This truly is the most meaningful workshop I have ever attended. Delving into the causes of stereotype threat and then learning practical activities and actions we can do to eliminate it was so valuable. I now have the resources I need to reach out and engage ALL students in CS!
  • Awesome!! Learned and got totally reinvigorated about teaching cs
  • Energy of presenter and varied format helped me stay engaged

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